Academic Staff

Phone: 04-8240168 (52168) | Room: 7082
Prof. Gal Richter Levin
Head of School of Psychological Sciences
Brain and behavior | Neurobiology of learning and memory | Neurobiology stress-related disorders | Emotional modulation of memory.

Phone: 04-8240197 (2197) | Room: 6038
Prof. David Oppenheim
Head of Developmental Psychology Program and Vice Chair School of Psychological Sciences
My research involves early parent-child relationships and their implications for children's socio-emotional development. I study parents' insightfulness into the inner world of the child and emotional dialogues between parents and children in normative samples and samples of children in environmental and development risk.

Prof. Ahmad Abu-Akel
Areas of interest: My research explores the relationship between autism and schizophrenia spectrum disorders within the framework of the Diametric Model. I also have a strong interest in the neural bases of attention, social cognition and their interaction.

Phone: 04-8249673 (3673) | Room: 7114Prof. Idan M. Aderka
The lab focuses on social anxiety disorder and how it manifests in interpersonal interactions conducted in the lab and in individuals daily lives. The lab also focuses on processes of change occurring in psychotherapy conducted in both face-to-face and internet-delivered formats.

Phone: 04-8240964 (2964) | Room: 7088
Prof. Roee Admon
What are the mechanisms that mediate vulnerability vs. resilience to stress in humans? | Research in the lab integrates behavioral, psychological, physiological, endocrinological and neural (brain function and structure) measures of stress response among healthy as well as psychopathological populations.

Phone: 04-8240115 (2115) | Room: 7084
Prof. Irit Akirav
Cannabinoids (cannabis) as a potential treatment for neuropsychiatric disorders in animal models. The involvement of the endocannabinoid system in stress, depression, post-trauma, learning and plasticity.

Phone: 04-8240141 (2141) | Room: 7105Prof. Amit
Attentional (dys)regulation in mental (ill) health. | Mindfulness or present moment attention and awareness in mental life and health. | Psychological processing of internal states (e.g., thoughts, physical sensations, emotion). | Mental health of refugees and other forcibly displaced survivors of atrocities and violent conflict.

Phone: 04-6647976(7176) | Room: 7098
Prof. Tali Bitan
Head of Department of Cognitive Sciences
Brain plasticity in learning and rehabilitation of language skills; Brain imaging and functional connectivity within and between hemispheres; Reading acquisition and second language learning in children and adults; Sleep and consolidation in language learning. Brain plasticity in rehabilitation following stroke.

Phone: 04-8249666 (3666) | Room: 7104
Prof. Baruch Eitam
Motivation-cognition interactions in health and pathology. More specifically: Visual awareness and imagery, Information and action selection and the Sense of agency.

Phone: (3672) | Room: 7113 Prof. Ilan Fischer
Individual and group decision | Social dilemmas | The evolution of cooperation | Computer simulations of social processes.

Phone: 04-8249964 (2934) | Room: 7110
Prof. Shai Gabay
My Research Interest is focused on the evolutionary predecessor and functional involvement of subcortical areas in a range of complex mental operations (e.g., attention, perception, mathematical abilities, social processes and mental representations).

Phone: 04-8249674 (3674) | Room: 7086
Prof. Inna Gaisler-Salomon
Glutamate transmission in the brain: contribution to schizophrenia-like abnormalities of cognition and attention; Animal models of cognitive dysfunction; Gene x environment interactions; Epigenetics and behavior; Transgenerational transmission of stress.

Phone: 04-8249745 (3745) | Room: IIPDM 150-4Prof. Morre Goldsmith
Human memory | Metacognition | Metacognitive regulation of memory accuracy and informativeness | Visual attention and perceptual organization | Visual attention and object perception.

Phone: 04-8240282 (2282) | Room: 6036Prof. Tertsa
Developmental psychology | Attachment | Divorce | Holocaust | Trauma | Matrimony and family | Psychotherapy.

Phone: 04-8240142 (2142) | Room: 7095
Dr. Oded Klavir
Head of Brain and Psychopathology Program
Research in the lab is focused on the neural circuits of learning and behavior, circuits functions and interactions underlying adaptive behavior and the malfunctions underlying psychopathology.

Phone: 04-8240960 (2960) | Room: 7102
Prof. Danny Koren
Early detection and intervention in schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders | The development of the basic sense of self in adolescence, insight, self-awareness and decision making in schizophrenia and other psychological disorders | Psychological and neuropsychological effects of traumatic events.

Phone: 04-6647959 (7159) | Room: 7113
Dr. Assaf Kron
Head of Social Psychology Program and Chair of B.A Committee
The emotional response | Models of emotional experience | Ambivalent feelings | Emotions and cognition.

Phone: 04-8249669 (3669) | Room: 7097Prof. Jenny Kurman
Cross-Cultural Psychology (pro environment behaviors. Coping with cancer, eating disorders); The social self (self-enhancement, self-regulation, self-perceptions among members of minority groups, stereotype threat); Bi-cultural Identity.

Phone: 04-8249671 (3671) | Room: 7087 Prof. Hadas
Cognitive and brain mechanisms enabling regulation of emotional processing | The influence of attention mechanisms on emotional reactions | Individual differences in emotion-attention interactions | Neural regulation of blood pressure reaction to emotions.

Phone: 04-8249660 (3660) | Room: 7111
Prof. Tomer Shechner
Head of the Clinical Psychology Program (life span and child)
The primary research focus of our lab is on the development of anxiety disorders. By using a multiple level analysis approach, we study the biological, cognitive, behavioral and environmental factors that contribute to the etiology and maintenance of pediatric anxiety disorders.

Phone: 04-8288778 (8778) | Room: 7094Prof. Simone
The biologic basis of emotions and social behavior: How do we understand emotions? What are the brain mechanisms underlying empathy, social communication and interpersonal synchronization? | Deficits in social behavior in psychopathology, including autism, schizophrenia, social anxiety and depression.

Phone: 04-8240929 (2929) | Room: 7103ADr. Keren
Psychological processes involved in intergroup conflicts and their resolution | Emotions and emotion regulation in intergroup conflicts | Morality in intergroup conflicts | Societal beliefs and ideologies

Phone: 04-6647960 (7160) | Room: 7107
Prof. Noam Weinbach
Chair of The Ethics Committee
Neurocognitive functioning in psychopathology | Neurocognitive aspects of eating disorders and behaviors | body image and cognition | Emotion regulation and attention in psychopathology

Phone: 04-8249656 (3656) | Room: 7090Prof. Yaffa Yeshurun
Visual attention | Visual perception | Psychophysics | Attention and cross-modalities | Models and simulations of information processing.

Phone: 04-8249047 (3047) | Room: 7109Prof. Sigal Zilcha-Mano
Research interests: What makes one treatment succeed and the other fail? What are the therapeutic processes at the basis of effective treatments? How can we increase the chances that a treatment will be effective in reducing symptoms and increasing well-being?